Yaeko san (やえこさん)
oil on canvas 、sewing F10号(530mmx450mm) 2024年作

Here is the English translation of the caption for the artwork:
"Ms. Yaeko"
Oil on Canvas F10 (530mm x 455mm)
I met Ms. Yaeko in 2024 at a day service facility called "52-Ma no Engawa" located in Yachiyo City, Chiba Prefecture. When I visited the facility for sketching, Ms. Yaeko would always be sitting quietly by the window. After exchanging greetings multiple times, I was eventually able to have a conversation with her.
It turns out that Ms. Yaeko lived in Peru for much of her life until she returned to Japan 40 years ago. I found it surprising that a woman over 90 years old had lived in Peru, which led me to research the relationship between Japan and Peru. There is a history of Japanese laborers moving abroad, particularly from rural areas, after the establishment of the Meiji government in 1868. The first contract workers traveled to Peru in 1899. Conversely, during the bubble economy in Japan in the 1980s, Japanese Peruvians were invited to Japan to supplement the labor force.
While Ms. Yaeko's journey may not have been entirely shaped by Japanese history, the timing of her movement coincides with it. Her story evokes memories of my grandmother's life. My maternal grandmother's family came to Japan to earn a living when she was just eight years old. She ultimately spent her life without returning to the Korean Peninsula, and I could sense the complexities of her feelings through her words.
The first generation of individuals who lived their lives tossed about by the circumstances of their countries seems like something that has fallen by the wayside, blown and rolled by strong winds. We cannot turn back time. I was deeply impressed when Ms. Yaeko repeatedly stated, "I am Japanese," two or three times.